In just less than three weeks, it will be dear FD’s birthday. Every year on this day, I think of her biological parents. more…
The Parents My Daughter Left Behind
It’s her birthday soon. I can feel her birth parents’ love.
It’s her birthday soon. I can feel her birth parents’ love.
In just less than three weeks, it will be dear FD’s birthday. Every year on this day, I think of her biological parents. more…
In addition to not letting our kids out of our sight, we’ve got other ways of coddling our kids into uselessness. more…
Finding the right balance between your child’s freedom and her safety.
Friends of mine will tell you I’ve been pondering this for years: Do we try so hard to keep our kids safe that we’re holding them back? I worry we’re infantilizing them, and maybe worse. But I’m not sure. more…
A member of an Facebook adoption group recently posed an question: How should adoptive parents talk adoption with their children? It got me thinking, and I realized the question goes beyond adoption, to other Big Things like death and sex. more…
SD was a “special needs” adoption. She had a cleft palate, and her speech was delayed. (She’s making up for it now, boy howdy.) The state we live in more…
It’s amazing it took me so long to realize that it’s not just okay to compartmentalize, it’s really important. more…
SD tickles the hell out of me. I call her Mini-Me, and it’s hard to believe the extent to which it’s true. more…
Take a kid who normally understands what you say pretty perfectly, and try to get her out of the house. It’s a Universal Translator fail as your “Hurry up! We have to leave NOW!” reached her ears “$d%)& #0! W^ &( #%G&X@ XNF!,” if it reaches them at all.
I’ve actually been accused of being my young daughters’ grandpa less frequently than I expected, but every time it happens, it does sting. My white hair is probably the tell. All over the interwebs are articles about how my situation is part of a trend of older fathers—especially adopters. Late-blooming baby boomers like me.
I was 51 when we adopted FD. (Everybody out of the gene pool!) more…
SD’s just wrapping up kindergarten and we have come to truly hate the so-called clip-chart system her elementary school uses. Maybe you know this system, introduced in 2009 by a company called New Management as “A Simple Discipline Strategy for Promoting Positive Behavior.” It’s unfortunately been adopted by schools across the country. more…