
DadInAutumn-01dadinautumn (Dad In Autumn) is Robby Berman, that is, me.

My wife and I adopted our first child when I was 51, and our second when I was 60. It’s an unusual time of life to become a dad, but I love it. The idea was that it was either going to keep me young, or kill me sooner. So far so good. Maybe it’s not so unusual—a lot of baby boomers are late-bloomers. We don’t know when to quit, maybe.

What else do you need to know? We’re vegans. We live in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, sticking out into Lake Superior above Wisconsin. We’re in a small town a few miles north of nowhere.

Probably the main reason I got such a late start at being a father is that I spent so many years trying to get somewhere as a singer-songwriter-guitarist-keyboardist-recording engineer. Lack of focus, you say? Really, all of these things come together quite nicely in this stuff.

I stumbled a while back into a writing career, first as a technical writer, and the last few years as a writer for various internet sites like Big ThinkSlate, and Upworthy, and as a copywriter for various companies.

My other website is www.robbyberman.com


Banner image: javaman



